Is Growth Mindset A Myth?

Growth mindset has been popular for many years. Many says that it is just a myth and is not true but are we sure? Theories are often backed-up by science through their researches and observation. Is growth mindset an exception?

Growth Mindset

The psychologist Carol Dweck made popular the concept of growth mindset through his written books. Because of its popularity, any school and educators believed its effectivity and since then used her theories in teaching students at school. Since Dweck believes that student’s beliefs are about their intelligence having important consequences for how they are experiencing school and how they will be able to respond to the challenges that they may encounter at school or even at home.

Having a growth mindset means that you believe that your intelligence can still be developed. People who have a growth mindset often find themselves successful because of their ability be get smarter through hard work, be able to use some effective strategies to enhance their abilities and asks help from others when needed. In contrast in fixed mindset, where one believes whatever that is taught to them early on and just lives inside their own box. They are unable to change their trait and does not believe that intelligence can be developed through practice and hard work.

Myths and Misconceptions About Mindset

1. Myth: The mindset are an either/or proposition.

Many people believed that people can either have growth mindset or a fixed mindset. It’s either you go that way or the other way. In reality, us, people are prone into going back and forth that mindset. There may be times that we find ourselves having a growth mindset but when there is a really tough setback, we tend to go back to our comfort zone and tend to have a fixed mindset. It is okay to shift from one mindset to the other, whichever you think will help you and your mind relax. You can take some time to think which mindset you will use when you are faced with a tought decision.

2. Myth: A business can have a mindset.

I read many articles that growth and fixed mindset can affect business especially its people. Organizations and businesses are made up of a lot of people. Different people means different mindsets, some may have the same belief as you have while some may have the total opposite. This mindset should not be confused with the “business” as only the people inside that runs the business can set their own mindset.

3. Myth: You can have a “pure growth mindset”

Being an open-minded person is different from having a good and positive growth mindset. Like Dweck said, they are totally different from each other. One can be open-minded but still have fixed mindset.

4. Myth: Having a growth mindset means always being positive.

Having a growth mindset and development isn’t all about positive thoughts and vibes. It is so helpful to have a growth mindset but because we are unique individuals. We need to determine and acknowledge our capabilities, abilities and limitations. Also, we need to accept that life is a bumpy road and there are many obstacles and challenges, but our growth mindset will help us get through it and not avoid these problems.

5. Myth: A growth mindset automatically creates good outcomes.

No. A growth mindset does not have a definitive outcome. Growth mindset only guides you throughout your journey, but it does not guarantee your success or that you will always win all of your challenges. Growing is never ending and their risks that you will have to take in order to achieve your goal. Not all innovations and ideas always lead to a success but some to a dead end.

6. Myth: Anyone can do anything.

It was said that fixed mindset makes one’s intelligence and talent fixed, immovable and unchangeable while people think that growth mindset allows you for all limitless possibilities. But that is not the truth. Aside from having a growth mindset, one should also give 99 percent of his hard work in order to achieve anything you want. Aside from that, we need to accept that as humans, we don’t have the same level of talents with each other. Some may need much effort in doing something while some can do it effortlessly.

Is it a Myth?

On a Harvard Business Review article, Dweck pointed out that her theory suddenly gained popularity especially to schools since it is a great guide on how to teach students but is often misunderstood or distorted. Because of this, many people wrote certain myths pertaining to the fixed and growth mindset that is far from its purpose. A deeper and clearer understanding is needed to be able to utilize this theory. Many businesses adapted Dweck’s mindset theory into culture such as Microsoft and the like. They were able to see how it helped their people and also how it affects their business greatly. So, is growth mindset a myth? Definitely not. It is important to have a better understanding of it to be able to use this idea in the right way.