I bet you have a lot of your dreams that you were curious of but have no idea what it means. Dreams may either be good or bad. Some dreams stay in our head overnight while some seems abstract and immediately forgotten.
Ever how dreams were created? Dreams happen when our brain enter the stage of Random Eye Movement or REM in our sleep. During REM sleep, our eye moves a lot around rapidly in different direction without sending any visual information to the brain. Our thoughts, worries and ideas in our mind during all contribute to the dream that you will have while you sleep.
During REM stage, some part of the brain relaxes while the prefrontal cortex and amygdala which are responsible for rational thought and emotions, respectively, becomes highly active causing us to feel emotions even while asleep. This is the reason why we sometimes wake-up feeling depressed, crying or even happy.
According to experts, dreams are not obvious links to reality but somehow it is the way of the subconscious mind to remind us of some things we may have purposely forgotten or need to know.
4 Benefits of Dreaming

1. Helps understand your Daily Experiences
Dreams help us understand what was going on in our lives. It becomes a platform for painful issues that are often neglected or avoided because it is too much to talk about. Dreams sometimes provide a little bit of hope and aids in better comprehension of our self.
2. Dream’s act as Sleep Guardians
According to Sigmund Freud’s Theory, dreams help prevent disruption of sleep. Dreams maintains the frequency of the brain and therefore maintains the body of a person in a sleeping state. Dreams lessens the chances that your sleep will be interrupted throughout the night.
3. Help your Remember
Since Dreams are made from the wonders and works of the brain. Researchers who study the brain found out that dreaming strengthens a person’s memory especially if it is something that is important for you.
4. Increase your mood
Depending on your dream, it may either increase or decrease your mood. This is because of the Amygdala that is involved in a person’s emotions which works during sleep. For people who were not feeling good before sleep, dreams were proven to significantly increase their mood.
Common Dreams and What It Means

Dreams About Falling – this is one of the most common dream. Seeing yourself falling from a very high place to the ground. Some people think that this dream means that you will die but contrary to that, falling your dream means that you may be scared of something that involves your personal, work or even social life. A dream about falling tells you to better enjoy yourself and even your life a little bit more.

Dreams About Being Naked in Public – this one you may find it awkward to have such dream. Public nudity may suggest that you are afraid of revealing your imperfections and shortcomings. You may need to accept your imperfections and acknowledge them for you to become a better person.

Dreams About Being Chased – this dream might be scary for some because of having to experience being attacked from an unknown attacker and hurting you for some reason. Some dream interpreters may say that maybe you are having this dream because you are avoiding something. While some say that this dream means that you are hiding from your very own feelings and not acknowledging it. If the person who is after you in your dream is someone you love or the opposite sex, it may mean that you are afraid of love or are being hunted by your past relationship.

Dreams About Losing Teeth – This dream has multiple meanings depending on the person who’s interpreting it. Losing a tooth or teeth may mean that you are too worried about your appearance or you are embarrassed of something about yourself.

Dreams About Dying – you might have this dream of someone dying, either a loved one or yourself. Death is really scary, but your dream means otherwise. A dream about dying may mean that you are fearing change especially if you have your own family and they are constantly developing and becoming more independent.