Your view of the world affects your mental health greatly. With the current pandemic and lots of job layoffs, people are losing their confidence with the self-leading to too much negativity in their lives. This is the best to beat the negativities and step-up against it. Together, let’s beat negativity and make our own fate.
How Negativity Develops

They say that whatever a person is today is a product of how good or bad they upbringing is. Different family and home situations produces either a happy or sad child. Some parents are too careful of their child to experience harm or danger that they brought their child to be afraid of taking risks and always finding fault or danger about a thing causing them to have a negative view of the world.
Another factor is too much criticisms by their parents. A simple mistake becomes a big deal that they grow up thinking they should be careful with their every little steps as not to get criticisms.
Overcome Negativity
1. Replace the Negative Thoughts on your mind

Instead of overcoming these negative thoughts, why not replace them with a better thought process. This is not only better for you but it will also improve your mental health greatly as it will help ease your mind of worries and stress. Here are 4 simple steps that you could do to replace the negative thoughts:
- Notice when you started to think negatively and having these thoughts.
- Acknowledge that this is who you are and how you think and it is something that you want to change for the better.
- Express what you want to change or be different. Have a talk with yourself, it helps.
- Choose a different behavior that will work for you and you know will work for you as you try to beat the negativity out of you.
2. Talk to Yourself

Who knows about you better than yourself. Help yourself and boost your confidence by having a pep talk with yourself. Here are 3 simple steps on how you could bring positivity and push negativity in your life:
- Release your negative feelings. Let it all out. Keeping them inside will eat you so better let it out for at least 3 minutes. Once three minutes is done, leave those thoughts behind and move forwards.
- Track your negative thoughts and identify it. It is so much better to be aware of it as you will have a better understanding on how your thought process works.
- Once you get the hang of how your mind works, it will be easier for you to change what you think needs to be changed and improve it.
3. Love, Like and Appreciate

The best thing to do when you are fighting negativities in life is to find the thing that you love and like the most and appreciate it. Isn’t it the best feeling in the world? To be able to appreciate and be contented on what you have and not be bothered by whatever it is that is running on your mind. A simple appreciation of your lunch meal or how good the daylight is greatly helps shove negativity in our body.
4. Use Affirmations

Be grateful everyday. Write down daily affirmations which includes all the things that you are thankful for. Doing this daily will surely win you against the negativities that you have in your life. Positive thinking maybe a hard task for someone who’s used to thinking the other way around but it’s not impossible to practice it.
5. A Success Routine

Developing a routine is a must in order to have consistency in your life. This is where you should incorporate positive thoughts so that you can unconsciously practice it. Set a few important goals too to keep you on your toes and build your momentum towards your dreams.