Can Anxiety Cause Dizziness

We often think that anxiety is just an emotion but it’s not. Anxiety may just be a part of a bigger problem that we don’t know about. What is Anxiety? According to the American Psychological Association (2020), anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by feelings of tension, worrying thoughts. It may also cause an … Read more Can Anxiety Cause Dizziness

50 Growth Mindset Quotes

Some people are easy to lose confidence when they are faced with challenges and failures earlier on in their life. The mindset, or beliefs about oneself may have affected how people approach the problems they are faced with. There is a way to change the mindset that people have. In order to do that, one … Read more 50 Growth Mindset Quotes

Mental Health Charities

The COVID-19 pandemic has been catastrophic for everyone’s mental health. May it be a child, an elderly or young adult, we cannot deny the great impact this has caused. Luckily, there are organizations that support families who have a member that is suffering from a mental health condition. We listed down the list of charities … Read more Mental Health Charities