Psychology Facts That People Don’t Know About

There are many things that we do or practice everyday that we don’t realize has a deeper meaning than what we know. Isn’t it amazing that there is a science behind every gesture, reaction and feeling that we experience? Here’s some cool psychology facts that you probably didn’t know of: 1. If someone asks you … Read more Psychology Facts That People Don’t Know About

Tips for Talking to Someone You Disagree With

Conversations requires two sides to listen to each other but what if you are disagreeing with the thoughts of the order? We cannot deny the fact that people have various opinions regarding certain topics, but have you ever wondered how to disagree with them without you offending them? We listed down a few tips that … Read more Tips for Talking to Someone You Disagree With

The Psychology Of Learning

People are constantly learning from birth until old age. Ever wondered how we get to learn and the science behind? Let us explain to you how learning is achieved through the eyes of Psychology. Learning According to Britannica (2020), Learning is said to be the alteration of behavior as a result of one’s individual experience. … Read more The Psychology Of Learning

Will Psychology Ever Be Automated

With the rapid development of technology, will the time come where robots and artificial intelligence will replace Psychologists? Are we ready for this change? What is Psychology? Psychology is defined as a scientific study that studies mental states, processes and behaviors of humans. The mind is not only complex but has many secrets too. This … Read more Will Psychology Ever Be Automated

Are Psychology And Sociology Similar?

Curious about the human mind? I bet you encountered the terms “Psychology” and “Sociology”. People are often confused with these two terms as both Psychology and Sociology are closely interrelated fields and both refers to the study of people. Find out the difference and similarities between the two What is Sociology? Sociology is the study … Read more Are Psychology And Sociology Similar?

What Psychology Says About Love

We often see people fall in and out of love every now and then. Love can actually help move mountains while love can also break a person apart. Everyone is curious about Love. The wonders of love made the psychologists to become interested in it causing them to find out what it really is. Theories … Read more What Psychology Says About Love

How Psychology Benefits Society

They say that what you do affects the people around you. It’s true, we are somehow connected in some ways. Whether or not you know a person, their action or non-action can cause you harm or benefit. The human brain is complicated as it is and psychology a science that will help us understand how … Read more How Psychology Benefits Society